Please contact Eileen Cody, if you have a trebuchet and can help her out on August 15th in Dannemora, NY, which is 15 miles (21 minutes) west of Plattsburg, NY. Thanks.
Dear Dave,
I have an unusual request. I am looking for someone who has a catapult or trebuchet that would be willing to come to our final summer reading session and demonstrate for the kids. I think this would be hugely popular and wonderful for the kids to see. Please let me know if you can help. The date would be August 15, 2016 at 11:30 am. I appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks again,
Eileen Cody, Director Dannemora Free Library, 40 Emmons St., Dannemora, NY 12929, tel: 518-492-7005, email:
VTPC Festival fan Bull Smith took his HCW (hinged counterweight) trebuchet to the August 15th event to help out.
A very big thank you to Bull Smith.